Grants are available to registered charities in support of the cultural sector in the UK. Support is also occasionally available to the health and social care sectors. Grants range from £10,000 to sums in excess of £1 million. The Foundation maintains a balance between supporting large-scale projects, with far-reaching effects, and small-scale community endeavours. Applications may be submitted at any time by UK-registered charities.
Grants can be used for the following purposes:
- Capital redevelopments and learning space initiatives.
- Project and programme and revenue funding.
Applicants should first submit an initial letter of application, of no longer than two sides of A4, by post. Applicants should enclose a standard-sized, stamped, self-addressed envelope.
All letters of application will be reviewed by the Foundation’s staff in the first instance. If the Foundation decides to progress an application to the next stage (ie a meeting of the Trustees), applicants will be asked to submit a full proposal, for which guidance will be provided.
Contact the Clore Duffield Foundation for further information on 0207 351 6061 or See their website – – for more information.