Small one-off grants are available to small local charities and community groups in Great Britain that are engaging hard to reach individuals, encouraging them to take part in physical activity to help improve their physical health. The Magic Little Grants Fund is funded by players of the People’s Postcode Lottery.
A total of £550,000 is available in 2019 with grants of up to £500.
In addition, first-time grant recipients will receive a free annual membership to Localgiving which is valued at £96.
Open for 2019 applications which can be made at any time until midnight on 30 November 2019.
Grants can be used to support the general running costs of new and existing sports and physical activities. For example, this could include: facilities hire, kit & equipment, coaching qualifications, other volunteer expenses etc.
Applications which will predominantly cover the costs of one-off events or trips must provide details of how they intend to deliver a longer-term impact.
Applications can be made at any time and are reviewed on a monthly basis. However, groups should note that they could wait up to two months to receive an update on the status of their application.
The guidance notes can be found on the Localgiving website.
Localgiving members can log in to their account to access the online application.
Contact the Localgiving Help Desk for further information on 0300 111 2340 or or see their website at