Wakeham Trust

Wakeham Trust logo.

Grants are available to small registered charities, community and voluntary groups in the UK to support small-scale projects with a community emphasis that would find it hard to obtain funding elsewhere. Organisations that are not registered charities can make an application through a registered charity in their area that can then pass the money directly on to their project.

Funding is at the discretion of the Trustees. However, as a a guide, grants are normally given to projects where an initial £125 to £2,500 will make a real difference.

Preference is given to organisations that are run by ordinary people, not professionals.

Applications should be made by email providing the information below in the order requested:

  • Contact name, address (including postcode), telephone number and email.
  • Name and address of the project the applicant is applying on behalf of, plus its telephone number and email.
  • Name and address of a UK charity which is willing to accept a grant on the applicant’s behalf, plus the name of a contact the Trust can talk to at that charity.
  • Details of the project. Who does it help? How big is it? Is it new, or already established?
  • How much money is being requested from the Trust?
  • What would the money be spent on? Applicants should give a rough breakdown and overall budget.
  • How else has the applicant tried to raise funds and how successful has this been?
  • Has the applicant ever received a grant from the Trust before?

Contact The Wakeham Trust for further information.

Contact The Wakeham Trust at TheWakehamTrust@icloud.com for further information or see their website https://thewakehamtrust.org/.

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