Dumbreck Charity

This small charity offers small grants to support charitable institutions or charitable purposed based in the West Midlands working in the areas of animal welfare, social welfare including the elderly, children and those who are physically or mentally disadvantaged. Registered charities based and working in the West Midlands can apply.

A sack of money.

The total amount of grants awarded each year varies depending upon the charity’s income. Grants tend to range from £500 to £2,000 with the average grant being £1,000. Last year a total of £153,250 was given in grants.

Although applications for grants for other purposes, such as culture and the arts, are considered, the majority of grants are awarded for the following charitable purposes:

  • Animal welfare and conservation
  • Children’s welfare
  • Care of the elderly
  • Care of those who are physically or mentally disadvantaged (the charity uses the term ‘handicapped’)
  • General medical.

The Trust does not maintain a website or have an email address.

Groups must apply in writing and include a copy of their accounts.

The Trustees regularly consider applications and meet every six months to approve grants. For further information on how to obtain this fund, please use the below details:

The Dumbreck Charity
41 Sycamore Drive
B47 5QX
Tel: 07976848390

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