Funding is intended to support projects which are specific and targeted, rather than taking a generalist approach. This could mean supporting a defined group with its own defined needs, or addressing a challenging and pressing need within Armed Forces communities. Grants of up to £100,000 over two or three years Continue Reading
VCSE funding
Comic Relief Community Fund for England
Funding is intended to support community-led organisations (with an annual turnover below £250,000) to deliver change by drawing on the ‘lived experiences’ of people who have experienced the issues being tackled. These issues should align with one of Comic Relief’s four strategic themes: • Children Survive and Thrive – ensuring Continue Reading
Theatres Trust Small Grants Scheme
Small grants are available for essential works to not-for-profit theatres in the UK that will enable them to be viable and thrive in the future. The scheme aims to fund small capital improvements to theatres run by charities and not-for-profit groups that will make a big impact to a theatre’s Continue Reading
Breath of Life Fund
Grants are available, for charities, community groups and other voluntary organisations to support research into respiratory diseases and the provision of services and facilities for people with respiratory diseases in North Staffordshire. Grants of up to £2,000 are available. The funding is for projects that support people with breathing difficulties Continue Reading
Triangle Trust 1949 Fund
Grants are available for charities, not-for-profit social enterprises and community interest companies in the UK that are working to support young carers / young adult carers (round one) or young offenders (round one). Grants are available from £10,000 up to £60,000 for a duration of six months to two years. Continue Reading
D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust
Grants are available for UK registered charities working in the UK in the areas of advancement of the arts, health and medical welfare, and improvement or protection of the environment. Grants generally range from £500 to £6,000. The majority of grants are one-off grants for one year. The next deadline Continue Reading
Andor Charitable Trust
Grants are available for registered charities involved in medical research, the arts and various educational activities in the UK. The scheme aims to fund a wide range of charitable projects, including those focusing on: • Medical and ancillary services (including medical research). • Education. • Helping the disabled. • Helping Continue Reading
Asda Foundation – Bringing Communities Back Together
Grants of between £250 and £1,000 are available to local groups to reunite communities, celebrate togetherness and support groups as coronavirus restrictions are easing. The ASDA Foundation, set up in 1988, supports a range of good causes around the UK, including support to charities, playgroups and football teams. Through its Continue Reading
Philip Bates Trust
Grant for individuals, voluntary and community organisations undertaking projects that encourage and develop artistic interests in young people in the UK, with particular interest in activities taking place in the West Midlands. The Trust aims to advance the education of young people under the age of 25 in the arts Continue Reading
UnLtd – Awards for Social Entrepreneurs
UnLtd awards funding and support to social entrepreneurs to help them nurture their social ventures and grow their impact. The following levels of funding and support are available: Start Your Venture – for social entrepreneurs with an idea or who are in the early stages of development. Funding of between Continue Reading